Well, it’s been a minute. I have so many “observations” in my notes to share, it’ll take a few blog posts to get them all in. I’m aiming for weekly posts on Mondays. So, lets crack into it, shall we?
Observations of the day:
First off, I have two family related things to share. First, this happened. My newest grandson will be born in early October (2023). After much thought, Baby the Biscuit and her Boo decided on Colin Jay (C.J.) – as for now. He may come out looking like a Jasper 🤦♀️.
Next, Sonshine proposed to Katie Sonshine and she said yes! Their wedding will be in New Jersey on May, 5th, 2024 and we are all very excited to have her in the family! My Sonshine is over the moon about it!
These days, brides have a thing called “bridesmaid proposals” where they ask their attendants with something a bit more special than a phone call or an email. Katie Sonshine asked me to hand make her proposals and they came out beautifully! We collaborated but nothing seemed right. I worked on samples for three days and nothing was right (my opinion, not hers). Then I stamped a flower set with the intention of doing another and while they were drying, I went to the bathroom. When I came back in the craft room and saw the panels, a light shone down from heaven and angels began singing. Simplistic beauty! Here they are:
I am finally getting around to quilting #1 daughter’s wedding quilt (she’ll be wed 3 years this October LOL). I bought a Grace Cutie frame (half off, free shipping) thinking that it’ll pay for itself after I do two quilts. Utilizing three Master’s degrees, hubby and I got finally got it put together. We’re still married but even after 31 years, I don’t know if our marriage can survive another put together like this. Here’s a short video of this fiasco: https://sewknotright.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Building-the-Cutie-1.mp4
So, #1 daughter’s quilt is a king size. I’ve discovered that the cutie frame is going to take a lot of practice so I took it down (strike 1) and thought I would try edge to edge embroidery. King size quilt is a lot of real estate for that even with a magnetic hoop so strike 2. Nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned stitch in the ditch. Don’t know if I’ll have it completed by the time, I post this but you’ll see pictures next time.
As I mentioned earlier, I have lots of notes of things to share with you and many of them are regarding hubby. I think I’ll start with something recent that happened earlier this week while we were on our way to take the dogs to the vet. He was recalling that he could remember back when he was in diapers. He could remember the feeling of the wetness and r the little plastic thing that they put over diapers (because cloth diapers way back then). He claims to have distinct memories of that. He also said that the kids never believed him when he told this story. I said I don’t know why they wouldn’t – you were in diapers till you were six!
Oh my gosh y’all! I don’t know if you’ve checked out the store part of my website but I have categories where I describe how I got into each section. So in the under the embroidery machine section I relate that I purchased A16 needle Melco Bravo multi needle embroidery machine. And since this bad boy is so big, they bring it and set it up you watch videos and figure out how to use it. Melco is a wonderful company – my representative Todd Eggersman is very responsive (and gives me a discount when I buy stuff). I’ve having a bit of trouble with the cutter. It’s not cutting properly leading to thread breaks (about 50% of the time) which leads to a call to customer service. Their customer service is also great – they’re so very helpful. The first time I actually got one of the guys that’s doing the training videos and so I was a little starstruck. The second time I called I got a guy that was a little bit dry. He didn’t joke around with me like the first guy did but that was OK – we now got the problem solved. The third guy, y’all I don’t know if he was a Yankee and I was a Southerner and that was the problem but he didn’t care for me and I didn’t care for him but we got the machine up and running.
Speaking of my new ecommerce store, I plan for the blog to be the blog and the store to be the store. I may sometimes mention the things in my store in the context of making them but my blog is not going to be a hard sales pitch. I don’t plan on having all those annoying pop-up ads and things you have to click through to get to see the blog or even the store if you get over there. My store will actually have a separate newsletter hopefully to be published on Tuesdays and you can sign up for it in the store part. You can even make an account where your information will be safely stored in case you want to be a repeat customer without having to go through all the things. If you’re inclined to, please check it out here or under “shop” on the home page.
A bit ago Baby the Biscuit asked me to make her a soap bag – you know a little bag that you put all your little soap scraps in to make a scrubby? Well, here’s a free pattern for you from Country Cow Designs. Cute and easy – have fun making up a bunch of these!
On a good news/bad news sort of note, back on June 1st of 2021 I lost my beloved Zeus (Mi-Ki) right after he turned 19 years old. it was one of the hardest things I had to do to hold him in my arms and let him go. Hubby, wanting to heal my heart because I was so despondent. told me that I could look for my bucket list dog which was the Brussels Griffon. There were a lot of prayers going on, there was a lot of talk in the Facebook groups because I’ve been members in them for years and I finally talked to a premier breeder in Florida who happens to be the breeder of my favorite Brussels (at the time) Tot. If you’ve ever watched Dogs 101 on television, he is the main dog on the Brussels Griffon episode. I got vetted and she said that I was approved to be a Griff owner. My Brussels Griffon was named Chewy, he was 12 weeks old and he was two hours away waiting for me to come pick him up. I fully expected to have to get on a waiting list, wait a couple years. take a plane or drive somewhere to get one. It took three days! God is good and he answers prayers! This is my Choo-Choo Bear. He saved my life and is the ultimate Velcro dog. He is getting his first big boy haircut today (and he’s two-years-old 🤦♀️) so you’ll be seeing that soon.
I guess that’s enough for now. Y’all have a great week and remember that big hair rocks! Please remember to like comment and share. Let’s make me famous!