Observations of the day:
- I type this as we’re headed south in Baltimore, Maryland. I spent my Mother’s Day with Sonshine in New Jersey.
- Another snippet from our Southeast Asia trip at the beginning of the year: we arrived in Chiang Mai dead tired (remember that we had a 15+ hour flight to plus the China security ordeal – and then the flight to Thailand). Our driver and tour guide met us at the airport and the guide talked SO MUCH! Don’t get me wrong, he was a nice guy but at that point I barely had the energy to smile, much less carry on a conversation. We stayed at The Dusit Princess Hotel and it had a beautiful lobby, but we later found out that sleeping on the floor would have probably been more comfortable than sleeping on the bed in our room. I beat hubby to the shower, thinking of room service and bedtime. They didn’t have room service! With no make-up and not blow drying my hair, I was a scary sight as we ventured out for food. A Hard Rock Café was close by so we headed there.
- It was relatively early in the day, so the restaurant wasn’t crowded. I, media whore that I am, had to check in on Facebook. We ordered and as we were waiting the manager came up to our table and said, “Hello Mrs. Hudson – how are you today?”. I told him I was tired but doing well and you should have seen the look on hubby’s face. Here we are, a gazillion miles from home, and someone knows me! I chatted with the manager for a few more seconds and then put hubby out of his misery. I explained that the manager saw I had checked in on Facebook and with the place being sparsely populated, he figured out that I was the “Jan Hudson” who checked in. I have to admit the Thai people (and Cambodian – but more on that later) are absolutely wonderful!
- Here is a picture of Hubby outside Hard Rock (ain’t no camera getting close to me in the state I was in!!!). Notice the Christmas tree.

- In the next blog post (and from here on out until I’m done talking about the trip), you’re in for a treat because our friends arrive!
- I have to admit that I have fallen in love with another man. His name is Chaos (Baby Chaos, Pupalupagus, dood) and he’s a solid black F1B Golden Doodle. He was born on Christmas Eve 2018 and we got him in February of this year. Sonshine always insists we name our dogs after Greek gods (so we have a Zeus and had a Morpheus). I tried to get him to go for “Gerard Butler” cuz, well Gerard Butler, but it was a no-go. We actually went to meet up with the breeder to look at a blonde female (I was gonna name her Pandora so I could say “She’s so pandorable”), but Chaos chose us. I was so excited and poor Alex had to put up with weeks of texts from me begging for pictures. I now consider her my friend and you should check out her FB page – Gordon’s Oodles of Doodles – and you can see baby pics of my Chaos. She also just had a litter of Aussiedoodles last week and said I could be godmother! I’m so proud!!
- Here’s some pics of my new man:

Photo credit: Alexandra Gordon

#1 Granddaughter

- So, my Sonshine moved to America! He transferred from Northern California to New Jersey and is a whole lot closer (and it’s cheaper to fly into Atlanta). He’s a stockbroker and now runs his own office. I keep telling him if he gets a yankee girl, I’ll have to teach her to eat grits and drink sweet tea. To my surprise and wonderment, they have sweet tea all over his area of Jersey. Didn’t see any grits….

- Zeus is still alive and kicking. He will be 16 years old later in the month and would have hated the drive. #1 Daughter is watching him.

- I’ll write again from the road tomorrow. In case you’re worried about Hubby, he’s still around to drive me crazy and loves Baby Chaos as much as I do! Look for more SE Asia, my Mother’s Day weekend antics and quilting plans. Love y’all!
Sweet Chaos! What a perfect puppy name. And what a fabulous trip.