
A few years back, my brother-in-law asked me to do tees and polos for his business. The plan was vinyl for tees and embroidery for polos. There were soooo many. I knew that I’d go nuts (nuttier?) if I had to weed all that vinyl. Hubby, not wanting to live with a nuttier version of me, bought me a Sawgrass 500 sublimation printer. I played with it using the heat press I had for vinyl and then made the mistake of going to Everything Embroidery Market in Chattanooga, TN where I met Nicky Adamkiewicz (who I call “Nicky with a y and all the letters in her last name” since we have a Nikki in the family). She is the famous Sassy Subber and my friend and mentor. She forced me to buy (as far as hubby is concerned) a 7 in 1 heat press where so I could do mugs, tumblers and shot glasses. Nicky has cost me more money since and I wouldn’t give any of it back for the world! What is sublimation? Click and see!

A few years back, my brother-in-law asked me to do tees and polos for his business. The plan was vinyl for tees and embroidery for polos. There were soooo many. I knew that I’d go nuts (nuttier?) if I had to weed all that vinyl. Hubby, not wanting to live with a nuttier version of me, bought me a Sawgrass 500 sublimation printer. I played with it using the heat press I had for vinyl and then made the mistake of going to Everything Embroidery Market in Chattanooga, TN where I met Nicky Adamkiewicz (who I call “Nicky with a y and all the letters in her last name” since we have a Nikki in the family). She is the famous Sassy Subber and my friend and mentor. She forced me to buy (as far as hubby is concerned) a 7 in 1 heat press where so I could do mugs, tumblers and shot glasses. Nicky has cost me more money since and I wouldn’t give any of it back for the world! What is sublimation? Click and see!