Observations for the Day (Hudson US Family Tour Edition – Dallas):
– In Dallas, Amy picked us up at the airport and we finally got to meet Millie! She is cute, energetic and jealous of any attention given to Miss Kitty.

– It started to mist rain as we visited the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Admission was sponsored, so we got in for free! (Sorry, I don’t remember the company that provided admission – is that bad???)

– We were able to sign a condolence book for Barbara Bush and visit the special exhibit devoted to First Ladies.

– Here, hubby and Amy are enjoying “Cowboy Cookies” made from Laura Bush’s recipe:

– Keeping it quilt related, here’s one made from images of front pages of newspapers:

– There is an exact replica of the Oval Office from when W. was in office. You can read about it here.

– We got goodie bags, complete with hats and American flags:

– Dallas has bikes for rent everywhere. These are “Lime Bikes” and you can use an app to find a bike if one isn’t in plain sight. It’s $1.00 for 30 minutes (cheaper for students) or you can get a monthly subscription. Pick up anywhere, leave anywhere. Pretty neat.

– I love meat. I love meat more than candy! Amy took us to Fogo De Chao, a Brazilian steakhouse, and they bring meat to your table and slice it RIGHT THERE and put it on your plate. All different kinds of meats, all different kinds of cuts! They did bring sides to our table and they had a nice salad and fruit bar, but why fill your tummy with that when you can fill it with meat?!?!? In the pics, you can tell that Amy is MY daughter as she looks much more thrilled about the prospect of meat than hubby does!

– We finished up with crème brulee and then a food coma.

– The next morning, hubby and Ames went downstairs and got donuts from Urban Donut. You can build your own donut and I had the Highland Park without coconut (it’s not so much the taste, it’s the consistency).

– It was a beautiful day, so we visited the Dallas Arboretum. I took so many pics, it will require a slideshow. Beautiful, beautiful place!
– The Boyfriend came back to town (he had been at a bachelor party in Austin) and we met up with Matty B and went to Medieval Times. I can’t remember if I talked about Matty B last blog, but he went to Baylor with Amy and the boyfriend and then went to NorCal to work for Tim (of I8 and Tesla fame). So, we got to see him both in NorCal and in Dallas since he went to the bachelor party as well. Everybody loves Matty B! Our knight was the red and gold guy and he lost. Medieval Times pro tip – always root for the guy with the best beard!
– Finally made it home and picked us Zeus AKA Puppylove from Mama. It would only be later that I found out exactly how much she spoiled him! Reunited and it feels so good…

– In between the remodel, I have been able to steal a few moments here and there to sew, so next blog we should be back on track. Until then…(share!!!)