Observations for the Day:
– I am having so much fun with this blog that I have to make myself stop and quilt! It’s a work in progress and still has a few bugs. Please know that I sew appreciate you taking the time to contact me with technical issues or persevering in finding a way to make it work. Please remember to share this in your groups and tell your friends. Make me famous so my son will drop by and visit!
– I don’t mean to brag but..wait! Who am I kidding – I so totally mean to brag! Lookie what I did!
These geese flew their happy butts from my cutting mat to my machine to my iron. They were made the old fashioned, Gina Perkes way using no fancy ruler and I think that they are an exercise in perfection!
– Here is a block for my purple/green block exchange.
It’s called Card Trick and was completed while listening to “Round and Round” by Ratt. I don’t quite know what happened, but it came out an inch too small. I liked it though, so I added a border. I carefully cut and checked for scant ¼ inch. Onward!
– Last night we went to a Frank Sinatra cover concert with the Clocktower Jazz Ensemble. Hubby popped for VIP tickets, so we got a table up front and took Mama and Ray. Hubby told me that there was a lady behind me with a cocktail dress on. I looked and knew immediately that I’d have to take a picture to show you. Hubs, of course, told me not to take the picture so I, of course, took two. Here they are, showing the wonderful fabric of her skirt.

– In Sinatra’s “My Way”, he sang: To think I did all that, And may I say – not in a shy way,
Oh no, oh no, not me, I did it my way. When I heard that I thought – that’s SO me! For example, take this block:
It’s called Four-Patch and the skill level was “intermediate”. You already know that I don’t let labels define me, so I jumped right in. The only difficult part was that the pattern says for purple print fabric 3A to Cut 4 rectangles 2 ½˝ x ½ ˝ and yes, I did cut out those teeny, tiny pieces all the while wondering while looking at the picture where they would go. I quickly realized they were wrong and cut out the correct 2 ½˝ x 4½ ˝ pieces. It came out just a smidgen small on one corner, so I think it’s workable. So, I am certainly NOT shy when picking patterns – they just need to look cool! This block was finished up to Kiss’s “I Wanna Rock N Roll all Night”.
– The last block I did was for the blue colorway exchange. It’s named Dutchman’s Puzzle and was finalized to “Urgent” by Foreigner.
It’s came out nicely but is a 1/4″ too small all around. Suggestions for a petite border?
– I must have been kinda mellow when doing these blocks as the profanity was at a minimum for these creations.
– Here is a video of Amy and my granddog, Mille (AussiePoo), reunited after a few days apart. Hubby says Mille isn’t a dog, but more of a guinea pig. He’s dumb sometimes.amy mille. I don’t know how to insert it as a playable movie at this point so you’ll have to download to watch. It’s worth it – trust me!
– Last year hubby inadvertently left my son out of the Christmas newsletter and I didn’t notice when proofing (but remember, I was recovering from cancer at the time). Anyway, my sonshine never misses an opportunity to remind us of this fact. Amy has requested that since she is getting mentioned here often that I PLEASE give a nod to Tommy so he won’t complain about this as well – not that he’ll see it because I don’t have 3000 followers yet – but here he is: John Thomas Hudson with Morpheus the Dog in our former backyard in NorCal. He’s a stockbroker so if you have any money you’d like to grow, hit me up!
– Alas, life is calling. Hubby just said something inane to me to which I replied, “uh huh”. He said, “TALK TO ME!” so I did. I told him to shut up because I was busy. Everything in life can be a blog post.