A quilter should not be on the jury at a goose’s trial.
Observations of the day:
– I received my Brother PE-770 and eagerly opened it only to find it was only an embroidery machine NOT a combo sewing machine. Hubby says keep it, so I’ll have to wait a bit longer for my fancy computerized sewing machine. I had already put away the trusty Patchwork too!
– Remember those “California” blocks I never finished? Here’s a block from the leftover debris for the Ugly Block Challenge that I call “California Reject”.

If anyone tackles this block, send it to me and I’ll post it on the blog.
– Why do flying geese always immediately come after HST’s? I always sew my first (and sometimes more) FG’s a ¼ off the line like I was still sewing HST’s. Every. Single. Time. Hello Jack!
– Did you know that when working with directional fabric and making flying geese, if you start out with your stripes going vertically, they will end up horizontally? I found out this the hard way. Oh Jack! It’s been a while (not)!
– A watched bobbin never runs out, but take your eye off that sucker for one second and you’re sewing air!
– Here’s the “Rolling Pinwheel Star” in a blue colorway for my 12″ block exchange.

See the stain? Ironzilla (the heavy black and decker) threw up on it. How do I get that out? I finished up to “Notorious” by Duran Duran.
– I’ve always either a) forgot I had a flying geese ruler or b) been scared of my flying geese ruler so I decided to make another “Rolling Pinwheel Star” in a purple/green colorway for that 12″ block exchange and use the ruler. I have this one and you can get one for yourself here:
The FG’s in this block were 4 ½ X 2 ½ so I found that mark on the handy, dandy ruler and produced these:

Ohmygosh! So easy, so neat, so fast!!!! Why didn’t I do this before???? All was well until I went to assemble the block. My FG units were too big! What the heck? Turns out when the instructions say that the seam allowance was added in the sizes, if you were converting a conventional FG you had to DEDUCT the seam allowance! That means doing MATH! Who the heck thought that was a good idea? They are over there at Lazy Girl Designs laughing their butts off at people like me! I cut those units down and here’s my block:

I put the finishing touches to this block singing “Queen of Memphis” by Confederate Railroad
– I then decided to continue in blue and made a “Quarterfoil Star“. Many of my problems comes with keeping up with what fabric goes where in a pattern so this time I wrote my colors down on a post-it note. I also had to go backwards in cutting because I was using my cool (but stupid) FG ruler. I went back after making the geese and figured out what I needed just by looking at the pattern. Just as I was thinking, “Hey, I’m pretty good at this!” I grabbed the wrong fabric because I wasn’t smart enough to check my post-it before I cut. I recut and here’s the result:
I completed it listenng to “Wild Boys” by Duran Duran. I remember the day that video premiered!
– Last week members of my garden club visited Gibb’s Gardens to look at the beautiful flowers and Mama went with us. Here she is thinking of tiptoeing through the tulips:

– Tales from my bedroom – When hubby and I were living in Southern California, his parents gave us a king-sized bed. I loved that bed and it took us through kids, grandkids and dogs with room to spare. I had my space and hubby had his and it is well known throughout the family that no one but Zeus aka Puppylove is allowed to encroach upon my side of the bed. When we moved to Northern California, we got rid of my beloved bed and, after apparently having a series of small strokes, I agreed to hubby’s request of a queen-sized bed. It was awful! He was always RIGHT THERE, snoring and giving off body heat. My menopausal self was not about that at all! After five years of literal and figurative hell, we decided to move to Georgia and I made the executive decision that we would once again have a king-sized bed with space, wonderful space! I even purposely did not get king-sized pillows so there wouldn’t be accidental migration to the wrong area of the bed. It was bliss, pure bliss! Until the other night. I was tossing and turning, Hubby was tossing and turning, and during all of this, our pillows moved next to each other. I felt warm air on my face, woke up and hubby’s face was RIGHT THERE! So, I did what anyone would do when presented with a midnight face that is RIGHT THERE – I licked it. The recoil was instant. I was lying very still, pretending I was asleep while struggling not to laugh. He looked around, blinking, and then stumbled to the bathroom. I quickly put the pillows back to their respective places and went to sleep. Hubby doesn’t know about this (until he reads this – Hi honey!!!)
– Bonus tale – last night we were talking in bed and between sentences, I took a breath and continued speaking. He said he wished I’d quit talking just as he was going to sleep. We were just conversing mere seconds ago! I said ok and good night, waited a few seconds and then whispered his name. He was not amused.
– You know how we quilters wear thread and fabric scraps? I have twice found dog ears in my shower and just look at Puppylove’s new leg wear:

– I have lots of blocks completed and one to tell you about that is SOOOO easy! But that’s for next time. Remember to share and tell your friends about me – I’m almost famous!