Who is this Murphy and why does he have his own law anyway?
Observations for the Day:
– I joined yet another block exchange but this one is different. You can make as few or as many as you’d like, and you don’t get any blocks back. You also get to use the fabric that you bought when you were drunk! It’s called Ugly Blocks Rock and you can get to their FB page here. Here is a snippet from their “about” page: “The UGLY BLOCKS ROCK CHALLENGE is a group working towards taking their most undesirable materials in their fabric stash and making a 16.5 inch block. These blocks will be collected and sewn together to make quilts that will eventual be donated to organizations (one being a veterans group). The purpose is to have fun with making these Ugly blocks but more importantly to give quilts to organizations in need.” Here are the two blocks that I have made so far:

See that red, wonky block? Mr. Jack came to make a visit. Twice! Its song was “Chain of Fools” by Aretha Franklin. I know after seeing the striped fabric, you all will be clamoring to have some. Not to worry – I have PLENTY! Just let me know where to send it. You can think of “Better Dig Two” by The Band Perry when you’re sewing with it.
– Usually I keep going with a block no matter what, but I could tell this one was going to come out badly and I just wasn’t feeling it. Sometimes life’s too short to waste on a bad block. If you’re interested, it’s called “California“.
– Well, I had a very hard conversation with hubby the other day. He said something that scared me and chilled me to the bone. I don’t even want to think about it – it’s that upsetting. He asked, “Are you ever going to actually make a quilt?” I’ve been a piecing monster but as of yet have not actually put anything together.
– I decided to bite the bullet and work on making a quilt from the blocks we made in the latest National Quilter’s Circle block challenge. First, the measuring. Only one block got close to 16.5″ with most of them coming out closer to 16″ (plus or minus). I squared up to 16″ and last some points – oh well. Here’s where it gets fun because I had to do math. I decided on larger, more colorful sashing and selected 20″ for my final block size. So, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 – that’s 4″, let’s make it 5″ wide just to be sure. Then I need 16″ plus 4″ on each side with an additional ½” for seam allowance. That’s 24 ½” long so let’s do 25″ to be on the safe side. Perhaps this is why I have a lingering migraine. Pressing, starching, cutting, sewing -wait! The third strip is too short! Holding up the fourth side, I see it’s too short as well. Hmmmm. It didn’t occur to me, because my mind doesn’t work that way, that sides one and two will be 5″ LONGER on each side after I sew the strips on. Duh (she said – slapping self on forehead!). Stop laughing – I have TOLD you that I was an English major cuz I can’t do math!
– So, sashing is done and I decided to make a block instead of tackling actual quilting. It’s called “Antique Tile” and I thought I’d throw it together for my blue block exchange. I had the bright idea that I’d cut everything big since I am having trouble with getting accurate sizes on my blocks. When cutting them down, I was chatting on the phone and cut down the wrong side. In retrospect, I don’t know what happened since I was supposed to end up with a square, but not paying attention certainly played a part. I ended up cutting down everything to fit and adding a border. I didn’t actually measure it before I added a border, I just threw it on my cutting mat and thought it looked small. I assumed it was too small since I whacked on the blocks quite a bit and all of my blocks come out small anyway. Sewed on the borders, cut block down, cut block down, cut block down and when I went to the final square up, made a cut and realized that it was almost perfect to begin with AND when I cut, I slashed the original block and made it unsalvageable. That’s the last time I’ll cut generously on purpose. “Marie Laveau” by Bobby Bare was playing when I finished up.
– Next I went for the “Mistake Star” in the green/purple colorway.
Only I can subcut a two 6″ squares and get three triangles of one size and the last one coming in smaller. Logically, I should have two of the same size, one larger than those and one smaller but nope. Three the same size and one smaller. I honestly don’t know how I did that. Turns out the smaller one was the correct one – go figure! Read the directions carefully as well as study the pictures on this one. The directions say to cut and subcut and then she has a photo which briefly made me wonder if I needed additional cuts I (I didn’t). After that, the pictures were more helpful until you get to the section on partial seams. It was at this point I was having waking nightmares back to the “Double Aster” block. It all came together pretty well in the end and was only a smidgen smaller than 12.5″. I think the best part was ending up to “A Pirate Looks at Forty” by Jimmy Buffett. It has the greatest lyrics that so describe me!
Yes I am a pirate, two hundred years too late
The cannons don’t thunder, there’s nothing to plunder
I’m an over-forty victim of fate
Good stuff there!!!
– As I am a glutton for punishment, I tried the “California” block again in blue. I picked my fabric and this time even wrote down what was what. When I went to cut, I grabbed “B” fabric and read “C” instructions. It went downhill from there. Here it is:
– I don’t know if it’s this week-long migraine, but my quilting experience this week was sub-par. It seemed like everything than could go wrong did. I wanted to end with a success so I tried “Zig Zag Path” in blue (yes, it’s blue, not grey).
Cutting went great, sewing went great and Jack was not needed at all. This is my first ever block that came out the intended size – in this case 12.5″!!! Are things looking up?
– Just as I finished the block and started to gather my things, the doorbell rang. Lookie what I got! My new Brother PE770!!! Can’t wait to get into that!!!
– A while back I had asked for prayers for my daughter (Nikki) and granddaughter (Mya) and just wanted to let you know that your prayers have been answered. Mya’s bio-parents signed the guardianship and move out of state orders. Mya will be moving here to Georgia in June with the rest of the family. I told Mya she is special because we chose her. We just have to take what we got with those other knuckle-head grandchildren!
– As this post is a bit lengthy, I’ll close for now, but I do have an installment of “Adventures in My Bedroom” to update you on next time! Stay tuned and if you like what you see, recommend me to your friends and share, share, share!