Is it ever really easy??
Observations for the Day:
– Because we can never get enough, here’s Patchwork Posse’s Turkey Tracks Mystery Quilt Along. The link is the first post with fabric requirements and the first block is here. It features everyone’s favorite – flying geese! There’s a sign up at the bottom of the page to get emails for the future blocks.
– Well, it’s finally come to an end. With the release of The Sterope Star, the National Quilter’s Circle Quilt Block Challenge has come to an end. Here’s my version of block 9 and I was singing “18 With a Bullet” by Pete Wingfield when I finished.

– One thing I’ve learned over the past couple of days is rotate anything you plan to rip to see if you actually need to call on Jack. Nothing is more frustrating or expletive inducing than sewing something back the way you originally sewed it.
– Here are a couple of easy blocks I did for my block exchanges:

The pattern is called “Eccentric Star” and I’m not sure how I got it (I have a piece of paper with the diagram and cutting instructions printed on it). The center square is 4.5″ and the HST squares are 5″ and the block is 12″ finished. After sewing the HST’s, I just looked at the pictures and assembled. I also found a video tutorial on YouTube. Notice my fussy cut in the blue colorway! The purple colorway was finished up to “You and I” by Lady Gaga and the blue colorway was completed with “Perfect” by One Direction. You might also notice that the bottom right corner of the blue is turned. As it’s called “Eccentric”, I just left it that way.
– Yesterday we had a birthday party for my stepdad, Ray, who turned 90 years young. Here he is with his grandkids and I got Mama to jump in there (all the while complaining that she wasn’t wearing lipstick).

There was no alcohol consumed as we were bowling later, but considering the way we bowled, we definitely should have imbibed.
– Hubby is talking about going back to IKEA and actually buying stuff. I told him I didn’t know if our marriage was strong enough to survive IKEA item assembly.
– I bought this from Ebay:

A BROTHER PE-770 PE770 EMBROIDERY MACHINE with 20% off ($100 discount) and free shipping! At Ray’s party I was talking about it and someone said, “I’ve got a computerized Brother sewing/embroidery machine that I would have sold you for $200.”

– Got a pretty bad migraine today. Going to go sew in a bit which should result in much fodder for a future blog.