Observations for the Day (I’m baaaaack!!!):
– The remodel and surprise decorating #1 daughter’s house was a success! More importantly, it’s OVER! They are here, settled in and we are all having a great time enjoying each other’s company.
– Many of these blocks are what I was able to do here and there during the remodel. I’ve actually been able to spend some quality time in my sewing room over the past couple of days and that has made me happy!
– Here is “Castle in the Air”. “Calling Dr. Love” was playing when I finished up and reminded me of one of the greatest pieces of cinematic history. Here is Dallas’s last dance (Matthew McConaughey) in the delightful film “Magic Mike”. Caution – if you don’t know, Dallas is a male stripper!

– This block is “Cedars of Lebanon” and I was listening to “Playing the Part” by Jamey Johnson. Jamey is a fraternity brother with a good friend of mine at Jacksonville State University in Alabama. JSU was severely damaged from a tornado several months back and he will be playing in a benefit concert there in September and I told my friend that I want an intro. Watch this video all the way to the end for a delicious surprise!

– This block is called “Dewey’s Victory”. I was listening to “Blinded by the Light” by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band (which was my favorite song back in the 8th grade!). This block was hard for me. I had to recut 3 TIMES!! I obviously can’t read directions sometimes. It also may have been that I actually tried to follow her cutting instructions this time.

– A note on the Quilter’s Cache patterns: sometimes I think the designer goes around her thumb to get to her elbow (as my sister would say). The cutting instructions are on the last page of the pattern and sometimes the instructions are confusing. I have, on occasion, had to sew and assemble the block based on the pictures. Maybe it’s just me….
– “Fair Play” is the name of this block. I went back to cutting step by step on this one. After snapping the pic, I noticed that one square was turned but I just left it (creative license). Vanilla Ice was rapping “Ice, Ice Baby” when I was done.

– Here is the “Ribbon Star” block . Ohmygoodness! The directions were SO HARD! I finally gave up on them and pieced the block entirely by looking at the picture. If you make this block, make sure you have your squares sewn on the correct side of the rectangle before you cut the tails off!

– Guess what? I’m getting a new sewing room! Here’s the blank slate:

The panoramic pics are a bit hard to see but the video gives you a good idea of the space. My #2 granddaughter has a cameo.
– When working on #1 daughter’s house, we would come home exhausted each night. Once as we went to bed, hubby was complaining that his feet hurt. I wondered out loud where the foot massager was. He replied, “Lying in bed next to me, but it’s broken!” Harumph…
– Glad to be back with you! Comments are welcome and if you like what you see, tell your friends!