The Fat Lady has Sung!

Happiness is a new rotary blade. I still can’t change it by myself though. After I unscrew it, hubby has to beat the blade off with a hammer. It’s an Olfa – are they all this hard to take apart?
This block is called “Sun and Surf”. This is the first pattern that I’ve used that has you cut a square on the diagonal and THEN sew it together to make a HST. Not a fan. I must have had a visitor to the sewing room as the music was off when I finished up (lots of visitors up there now that #1 daughter and grandkids are here).

– Here is the “Picket Fence” block. I made two of these because you end up with 2 extra HSTs. There is also a pattern error – you will need two 6 7/8″x 6 7/8″ squares instead of the one that the pattern calls for. I was listening to “1985” by Bowling for Soup when I finished up. I can identify with some of the lyrics in this song LOL.

– “Butterfly Garden” is the name of this block and “Never Tear Us Apart” by INXS was on when it was completed.

– This is the “Eccentric Block” and I still need to work on using directional fabric. Have you ever heard of Chris Gaines? It’s Garth Brook’s alter ego. I couldn’t find a video, but you can listen to it here.

– I gave up on the “Beach to Boots” block. Either the creator was drunk while writing or I was drunk while reading (that sweet tea WAS pretty strong), but I could not get this one to work out. Looks simple but….
– Then I tried the “Right-handed Star”. I got ahead of myself and sewed the wrong colors together. Looked ok, so I didn’t change it. Tina Turner was singing “Nutbush City Limits” when I was done, and I think she was still with Ike back then.

– Here is my attempt at the “Lovers Star”. My fabric choices make it too busy looking, I think. Music was off for this one too.

– This is “Joyce’s Star”. You will need to mark diagonally both sets of 2 ½” squares. As mentioned before, I am mathematically challenged, and I tried to figure out how to cut the 6 3/16″x 6 3/16″ squares by myself. I usually just round up and then square but was smart enough to know that wouldn’t work here. I don’t know what I did, but I failed miserably, and my squares were too big. Hubby and #1 daughter gave me a ruler lesson and it all worked out. “Second Chance” by Shinedown was on and I don’t know why I have it on my playlist because it makes me sad.

– This block is mistakenly called “Kansas Trouble” when it should be called “Nothing but Trouble”! Cutting instructions were TERRIBLE! No instructions listed for fabric 2 so I cut by looking at the picture.Not a fan of my fabric choices but I wanted to get it used up. “I was listening to “Give it Back to You” by The Record Company when I finished.

– Here is “Mr. Roosevelt’s Necktie”. A quick and easy block but I wasn’t paying attention and sewed a row on upside. A quick fix while I was talking to Mama on the phone.

– Look at the directional fabric on my “Odds and Ends” block. The Manhattans were crooning “Kiss and Say Goodbye” when the fun ended.

– If I had it to do over again, I would replace the black fabric with the diamond fabric on this “Scot’s Plaid” block.

– I was over at #1 daughter’s house when the cable guy was leaving. The Princess (#3 granddaughter) asked if there were two cable guys because she thought she saw an older one. Batman (#1 grandson – aged 9) said, “There’s only been one old guy over here and that’s grandpa!” I almost killed myself rushing home to tell hubby.
– Here’s the “Wampum Block” and Kool & the Gang were singing “Misled” as I finished.

– This is the “Rocky Road to California” block and I found reading the directions a bit rocky, so I again cut it by looking at the picture. But it was worth it. Just look at that directional magic!!! I was on hold for GA Power when I completed it.

– And with that, I finished up the blocks for my block exchange. I am NOT sorry to be finished with that awful fabric the “expert” talked me into picked up at JoAnn’s. If you don’t remember what happened, you can read about it here.
– Look! A ceiling! Hubby and #1 daughter are hard at work on my new sewing room.

– Next blog I’ll share my blocks for the current National Quilter’s Circle quilt block challenge. I’m a bit behind (block 6 was released last Thursday and I’ve only completed block 1 so far). If you aren’t a member of their Facebook group, you can join here
– Lots of exciting things are happening in the Hudson household. We have had to stay up late and get up early for the past week. One night we went to bed and hubby was yak, yak, yak, yak. I finally asked him to be quiet and to go to sleep. He told me he was in pain and explained that his back and feet hurt. I politely asked him to suffer in silence and nodded off.
– Stay tuned and share with your friends!