When I Grow Up…
Observations for the Day:
- I wanna have boobies. Wait, what?? There’s a song by the Pussycat Dolls called “When I Grow Up” (2008) and here’s part of the chorus:
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies
When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies
When it first came out, I thought it said, “I wanna have boobies” and Baby the Biscuit set me straight. I recently added it to my playlist and was telling #1 Granddaughter about my mistake and she was THAT day years old when SHE found out that it didn’t actually say “boobies”. Maybe it should…. You know you wanna listen now LOL
- Update on glue basting – I don’t really care for the Bohin glue sticks. I much prefer Elmer’s glue and my iron. I watched Sharon Schamber’s YouTube tutorial on binding where she relies heavily on glue and I’ll probably try that when I attempt to bind my next (first? LOL) quilt. However, I have not mastered her skill in setting the glue. She just taps the iron on there and it’s set hard as a rock. Mine takes a bit longer. I’m sure it will come with practice. I ordered a tip that attaches directly to the Elmer’s glue bottle from Purple Daisies Quilting. They caution that the tip only fits on the Elmer’s glue bottle with BLUE writing on the back (not BLACK). Who would think there was a difference? Also, for the NQS folks – Patricia Whited reminded me that Gina Perks mentioned glue basting on the Pleiades Quilt challenge and you can purchase tips through her store, The Copper Needle.
- Block 5 of the NQC’s current block challenge – hated it! All 8 tedious blocks. If there was a way to sew it together sideways or backwards, I did it – even with a sample block to guide my placement. Jack and I were buddies on this one! Here’s my progress on the challenge so far…

- I feel cheated that week 6 was the finishing instructions for the small quilt and was included with week 5. You know this pattern is finished and they could have released the next step this week! Harrumph…
- This is the baby quilt that I am working on using turnstile blocks. Top is quilted and binding is scary. I will need to watch ONE MORE YouTube video on binding before I start. Stay tuned.

- July 29th is a big day – Baby Lock is releasing information on their replacement for the Spirit embroidery machine. As I am feuding with my Brother PE770 right now, this is exciting for me. I actually realized today that the 29th is a Monday and my LQS is closed on Mondays! I will, of course, scour the internet and if nobody spills, I will grudgingly wait until Tuesday for the info.
- There are new developments with Baby the Biscuit’s quilt. I will share them with you next time…
- Baby Chaos is 7 months old and 61 lbs full of cuddle buddy:

- On the way to the flip house, we drive by this church. If they can do what they claim, I’m gonna take some kids and/or grandkids over…

- Thanks for taking the time to leave comments – reading them really makes my day better!
- Until net time – XOXOXO
Wait. I am confused. I thought you were getting the Crescendo? I have not tried gluing at all yet. Mu wilting is 2 wedding gifts forward, 1 our quilt squares back. Still plugging along. Thank you for your stories.
I did get the Crescendo! Now I’m spoiled and need a new embroidery machine too!
I love your sense of humor. Keep on Keepin’ on! As for binding, honestly I find it way easier than actual quilting!!! I have never glued anything and I fear I would make a horrific mess! 😂 Thanks for brightening my day!
Love following your blog. Makes me smile and laugh. I use Elmers glue (stick and liquid) on my binging, especially the corners. And I usually get some on my iron 🙄