Run FROM the border…

I ordered and received my fabric for “Summer at the Cabin” BOM by Piecing the Past quilts. You can find the info here.
So Sassy Pants (#2 granddaughter) and I went to see Journey and Def Leppard in concert. The surprise was that The Pretenders were the opening act. The new dude in Journey sounds EXACTLY like Steve Perry. Def Leppard? Oh. My. Goodness! They played 4 of their big hits at the end without stopping. Pretty darn good for a bunch of old guys!

I posted the next pic to social media with the caption “My granddaughter is so bright, she illuminates everyone around her!” This lady was decked out in neon yellow – shoes, pants, shirt, jacket and hair ties. She only looked happy during drum solos so I don’t know…

– Here is my block 1 (Watermill Variation) of the NQC Block Challenge called the Lexington Sampler. The designer is Susan Guzman of SuzGuz Designs. The challenge offers both a throw and bed size patterns. She has included borders around the blocks to make them 15” finished but I’m not a fan. My blocks do not consistently come out the right (or even the same) size. With this block, I found that the strips I had cut for my borders were too short and I had to measure and recut. THEN, I forgot to remeasure after I sewed on the two sides and the remaining strips were way too short. I remeasured, sewed, pressed and got wavy blocks (bed size has you make two of each block).

– Block 2 (Brightest Star). I had an ephifany and decided since I am going to attempt to QAUG using the Fun and Done method, I don’t need to add a border anyway. That took away some stress and gave me more time to go on to the next block. Elton John was singing about “Bennie and the Jets” when I finished.

– Tales from my bedroom: I have already told you about how hubby falls asleep in a nanosecond and how much that irritates me. Doesn’t he know that there are the world’s problems to be solved? Anyway, every night he goes to sleep facing me. Every night he begins to snore. Every night I wake him up to tell him to turn over. Every. Single. Night. How many Master’s degrees does it take to figure out to turn the OTHER way when going to sleep to avoid being awoken? Apparently more than 2…
– Here’s block 3 (Prairie Flower). I am happy with my decision to ditch the borders. When I was done, I was bopping to Freak-A-Zoid by Midnight Star (got on the wayback machine for that one!)

– I was chillin’ with Batman out by the pool and we started talking about what he wanted for his upcoming birthday (July 19th – same as hubby’s). He asked for a Nintendo Switch and we looked them up on my phone. Then the convo went something like this:
Me – It’s $300! Are you even worth $300?
B – I’m worth way more than that. I’m invaluable!
Me – So I can sell you and be rich?
B – Pretty much…
What are they teaching almost 9 year olds these days???

– Here is another granddog, Taquito (known by me as “Little Rat”). He’s such a baby and he loves his grandma!

– Something MAJOR in the Hudson household happened on July 3rd and I am waiting on pictures to share with you. Stay tuned.
– I’m almost up to 300 followers and 19 countries. Help me get to the magic 300 number by sharing and telling your friends!