Observations of the Day – February 5, 2018

Observations for the day (quilting on migraine meds edition):

  • No matter how bad I feel, I should always make the bed first thing. Hubby sucks at bed making.
  • When comparing my blocks before sewing to the picture to ensure that I sew it correctly can result in sewing it incorrectly. Twice.
  • I am incapable of making a 12.5” block (after starching, measuring 3 times and cutting bigger than called for). I decided to add a border. Squared up the block to 12” (sigh).
  • My thread kept breaking when I pulled my blocks out from under the needle – who knew there was a thread cutter back there!
  • My language is worse during a headache – it’s the drugs…
  • It is possible to use your seam ripper on things that don’t actually need ripping.
  • Nothing makes me happier than seeing my old man (Zeus aka Puppylove) wagging his tail when he sees me (hubby will sometimes do it as well, but it’s not the same).
  • I feel confident that hubby will make dinner tonight since I’m feeling poorly (he did AND got me ice cream).
  • Rotary cutters work better when the blade is out.
  • Figured out 2 clicks = scant ¼ inch. Didn’t figure out in time that my machine defaults back to the original setting every time I turn it off.
  • Directional, smectional
  • 3 ½ x 2 ½ does not make a square.