Observations for the Day:
– You asked for it, you got it. This is the inaugural post for my new blog “Sew Knot Right”. Hubby thinks that’s the perfect name for a blog about me. You can bookmark sewknotright.com or sign up for email alerts on the blog – that way you’ll never miss an observation and I’d really like to know what you think! Remember that it’s a work in progress and I welcome suggestions for additions.
– With the publication of block 7 (the Taygeta Star) in the NQC Quilt block challenge , I have seen many posts on the Facebook page stating that the block was hard. That’s the great thing about being a “newbie” – I’m not smart enough to know that things are getting harder. I learned to cut and piece on block 1! It was so hard. I made it, ripped it apart, cussed a lot, made it again, ripped it apart again, cussed more, made block 2 with much less trouble, then recut and remade block 1 again. It’s still not all that great but it’s as good as it’s gonna be. Now I look for patterns that “look cool” and don’t worry if they are hard or not. Most time it works out. Relax, have fun and don’t worry about degree of difficulty. Worst case scenario – you can always use more scraps!
– I am all for supporting my LQS and frequent it often. The other day however, hubby suggested that we go out since I was feeling better and he took me to JoAnn’s which is 45ish minutes away. I needed some green and purple fabric for a block challenge (those are gonna be some blocks, I tell you!) and an Omnigrip 20 ½ X 20 ½ ruler. I had looked on Amazon and the ruler was $39.85 prime . I thought that I’d just pick one up at JoAnn’s. It was almost $70.00!!! I noped away from that one and ordered online.
– In the quilting section I picked out the most beautiful blue-green patterned fabric with complementary solids in blue-green and taupe. I also had a purple patterned piece with a harmonizing purple solid and it also had flavors of the previously mentioned taupe. There was a nice lady standing there so I inquired if I could ask her a question. She said yes, and I pointed to my gorgeous fabric and asked if it read blue or green. She definitively answered “blue-green”. I explained that I was doing a block exchange and told her about the colors. She said that while my fabric choices were lovely, my recipients would most like be expecting blocks in a more traditional green and pointed to a bolt the color of Kermit the frog. Turns out she was a quilting instructor and had published books, one on Olympic quilts. I didn’t ask her named as I’d have to give her mine and would be hurt if she didn’t recognize me as I’m quite famous in my own mind. Anyway, those people in my exchange will be getting Kermit green and grape purple in their blocks and I will keep my stunning blue-green fabric for myself.
– This is for the ladies (men, you might find yourselves resembling these remarks). I go to sleep angry every night. Every. Single. Night. I give dog meds and cookies, take my meds, wash my face, brush my teeth, put the dogs out to potty (waiting for the little one to come back in), set the alarm and then get in bed. Hubby makes down the bed, takes his meds, brushes his teeth and is always in bed before me. I say my prayers and then think about what I have to think about before I spend time actually thinking about it. Hubby – “night, love y -zzzzzzzzz”. How does he even DO that???? I couldn’t go to sleep that fast even if I had been up for 3 days straight!
– Sometimes as I’m lying there, my anger festering, he begins to do that loud sleep breathing thing (not quite a snore). I may or may not raise my rear up high in the air and slam it down into the mattress, shaking the bed while then lying really still with my eyes closed. That breathing is silenced immediately, he turns over and I lie awake in blessed silence…for a while anyway.