Observations for the Day:
– This block was supposed to be part of my 12” blue block exchange. I did my first fussy cut – do you see my froggies??? The directions also had me cut a big square, bisect it twice and some little squares subcut once. After following the sewing instructions, I went to press and realized that I had flying geese! They weren’t perfect, but they were better than the norm and I didn’t even realize I was making them. That’s the secret – to not know what you’re doing. So, Gina, if you’re reading this, don’t call them flying geese in the next block. I vote for “sedentary ostriches”.
– The block is too wrinkly to give away but I may try to salvage the outer blocks.
– Today was a good mail day. I got lots of stuff – more fabric for Amy’s quilt, my sew sampler box, yet another ruler, one more presser foot and EQ8! As I am spending a small fortune on recommendations from this page, I am asking to be reimbursed for these purchases. Talk among yourselves as to how you want to split the bill. PayPal ready.
– Hubby is trying to get a permit to hike the John Muir Trail this summer. He is entered into a daily lottery for the permit and has thus far been denied 8 times. I told him that we’ve been married for almost 26 years – he should be used to rejection by now.
– Pigs are flying and hell froze over – I made dinner in advance without being shamed by hubby. I put some beef stew in the crockpot. It’s a fancy, smancy crockpot so I pushed the buttons to turn it on low and to cook for 8 hours. Too bad I forgot to press “start”. Realized it several hours later when the kitchen wasn’t smelling yummy. Turned it to “high”, pressed start and saved the day.