Observations for the Day (Amy’s quilt – block 4 edition):
– This block almost bested me and was a b**** to piece. It took forever and I did not enjoy putting it together.
– I think this block had 14,637 seams to match.
– There is likely not a 9-patch quilt in my future.
– Air sewing – it’s the next big thing!
– Who knew there was a big hole and a little hole in a bobbin? It’s amazing what you can see when you finally break down and put on your reading glasses (and why did it take 10 minutes of struggling to finally put on said glasses?) I guess I was just lucky all my previous times loading my bobbin.
– CWS? CWS? Can’t find it in the quilting acronym pages. Cut with skill? Cross wide side? Can’t with something? Just tell me – cut 1 ½ by something strips. That I can do.
– It is important to actually READ the directions before sewing. Ripping out a long strip is not very fun. Remembering the anatomy of a 9-patch would have been helpful as well.
– It is also important to actually look at the pattern when picking fabrics. Going by “light”, “medium” and “dark” fabric is not sufficient. When I laid out the block for sewing, it looked washed out and I had to repick, repress, restarch and recut. Slowed my momentum and stalled my mojo.
– The absolute worst thing happened to me when sewing this block – the battery in my bluetooth Bose speaker ran out. It was the day the music died.
– I kid you not – the song that was playing when the music stopped was “Hate my Life” by Theory of a Deadman.
– If there will be a block that falls apart in washing, it will be this one.
– On the upside, I will be done with radiation next week – yay!!!!!!
– On the upside part 2 – with all this practice, all my 12 ½ blocks for the block exchange are coming out closer to the right size!