Observations of the Day – February 12, 2018

Observations for the Day:

  • Anyone ever lose a seam ripper that is RIGHT THERE?
  • It sometimes crosses my mind that we might have trouble finding a designer for the next challenge
  • I was reading all the comments from my last observation and hubby walks by. “You look different,” he says. “Is your head bigger?”
  • An almost empty bobbin is like a watched pot – it never runs out. You could, however, fill several bobbins and rethread your machine in all the time you wasted checking it.
  • Have you ever been dancing while pressing and then have someone pop in? This usually results in a game of freeze tag.
  • I bowl on Sunday nights with mama and my brother. I got ready early and had about 45 minutes before I had to leave. I could put together a block that I already cut out all the pieces for or fold laundry. Man! That’s a good looking block if I do say so myself!