Will if ever be finished? What, the quilt or the room?

Here is the extremely tedious Piecing the Past’s “Summer at the Cabin” BOW Block 3 Cabin on Rustic Road (NOTE: I can’t find my link to the pattern but you can purchase it for .99 with the link above). I am NOT a fan of strips! I was listening to Macy Gray’s “I Try” when I finished.

– This was a welcome respite – Pat Sloan’s “Merry and Bright” block 3 Decorating Traditions. I was talking to #1 daughter when I finished.

– As I’ve shared before, I bowl twice a week. During the summer, Mama and my bro didn’t want to, so I enlisted #1 daughter and #1 granddaughter as teammates. On Wednesday mornings, #1 granddaughter and I do a 9-pin no-tap (where if you get 9 pins down with the first ball, it counts as a strike). On Sunday nights, #1 daughter and I bowl with a friend (Toby). Mama reluctantly agreed to sub if someone couldn’t make it. Several Sundays ago, Mama, Toby and I were bowling against the “Bama Boyz”, a team from Alabama who had very high averages (I’m talking like 200+). The patriarch (Hi Thomas if you’re reading this!) thought he was all that and a bag of chips so when we beat them the 2nd game, I had to rub it in. I said, “Hey! You were just beat by Toby and two girls and one of them is an old lady!” (Mama said I could say that). Thomas grumbled to Toby about my smack talk and then the Bama Boyz soundly beat us the last game (they took 2 plus total pins) amid my taunts of his “fragile ego” and such.
– Every Sunday since, #1 daughter and I make sure to wander over to where the Bama Boyz are to continue to share our love. One night, Thomas was off his game (meaning he didn’t bowl 200+ every game) and I teased that I was going to beat him the 3rd game. He said, “Wanna bet?” As we shook he asked what I was going to bet. I replied, “I bet you’re gonna cry like a baby when I beat you!”. We settled on a Coke, and as they had finished up first and had to leave, I knew my mark – I had to beat a 174. I bowled a 178!
– We couldn’t wait for the next week! #1 daughter and I walked in and Thomas was at the counter. I told him I’d prefer a sweet tea and that I’d like a large one. I then slowly turned around to reveal the back of my shirt. It said, “I beat the BAM out of the Bama boy!”. He sputtered, and #1 daughter turned around to show the back of HER shirt that read, “My mama beat the BAM out of the Bama boy!”. He was laughing at this point and said that we were too funny. Here we are in the shirts: (photo credit: Thomas of the Bama Boyz).

– Seriously though, the “Bama Boyz” are great guys and Thomas has THE CUTEST teeny, tiny grandbaby ever!
– Back to quilting and “Summer at the Cabin”. Did I really complain about block 3??? Block 4 – Firs and Pines – is truly the most mind-numbing block ever. Remember me talking about the waste? Look at this:

Is it any wonder that “I’ve Always Been Crazy” by Waylon Jennings was on when I was done?
– Block 5 – Buttercups on the Meadow. You would have thought that I would have seen the glaring error BEFORE I put on the borders, but no, it wasn’t until I looked at the picture. It wasn’t too bad to correct. Katy Perry was singing “I Kissed a Girl” when I got it all worked out.

– Want to see a HARD block? Block 6 – Afternoon Sailing. I haven’t put on the border yet as I think I’ll take some of it apart to try and get it smoothed out. I said here that I don’t let labels define me and my sewing. HA! This one should be labeled “intermediate” or “advanced”. “Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster the People was on when I finished.

– Block 7 – Storm on the Lake (NOTE: this is the link to the actual pattern). Here are the instructions that struck terror into my heart:

I did square up one HST incorrectly but ended up figuring it out in a manner way too hard (and embarrassing) to describe here and hubby wasn’t home to help me! Toni Braxton was crooning “Unbreak My Heart” when I completed it.

– My head was (and is) still bothering me so I was happy to get Pat Sloan’s “Merry and Bright” block 4 – A Gift. Another ballad, Seal’s “Kiss from a Rose” was on when I was done.

– Block 8 – Velkommen Redwork on the Wall. I had to ask Hubby to educate me (again) on the intricacies of my 7/8” ruler but all in all, it went together easily. Look at the flying geese before and after trimming:
I also managed to somehow iron my finger during this process – ouch! I was listening to “American Pie” by Don McLean when I finished.

– Block 9 is so terribly horrible that I don’t even want to think about it. The pieces are in a zip lock bag out of my sight. One word – templates! I’ll get back to it eventually.
– Block 10 – Puzzles and Games (link isn’t working). Look at the comparison of a trimmed and untrimmed hourglass.

Although the instructions didn’t say to, I still had to square up the 9-patch. I was singing “Cover of the Rolling Stone” by Dr. Hook as I finished.

– Look at the progress on the sewing room! Hubby is doing a great job! If you could add anything to your sewing space, what would it be? I want to make sure that we incorporate everything I would possibly ever need.

Those arms are to hang and organize my blocks by quilt. There will be another unit on the other side so I can have twelve projects going at a time!
– I’m off to Panama City Beach, FL tomorrow so it’ll be a week or so before you hear from me. Believe it or not, I’m still getting one to two subscriptions a week!
– Talk to you soon!