March 2, 2018
Observations of the day: (block 8 – ugh! Edition)
– I would like to thank everyone for a successful launch of this blog – 259 subscribers so far and 16 countries represented. I can’t believe that so many people are interested in what I have to say. If you have any trouble signing up, please let me know at as I am actively trying to figure out this bug. My son says I won’t really be famous until I have 3000 followers so please tell your friends. Also, don’t worry – I will never charge for my autograph!
– As for Block 8, the Alicyone Star, in the National Quilter’s Circle block challenge, I saw after I completed (badly) my block that there were some corrections. One was a diagram of HST’s that showed 4 when you only needed 2. That caused me pause until I a) read a bit further in the directions and b) realized that there would be some funky looking squares if I tried to cut 4 out of that strip.
– The second error was that on another diagram, 2 triangles were labeled E instead of F. I only look at the assigned letters when cutting since I don’t always use the same color family that Gina Perkes assigns. When sewing, I go by the diagram instead of the letters. Additionally, the mislabeled triangles are THE SAME COLOR as those labeled F and you wouldn’t have 2 E colored triangles to sew there anyway. It was easy to figure out and the failure of my block lies solely with me, not Gina.
– I told myself that I would read through the instructions before I started the block. Evidently hubby isn’t the only one I don’t listen to.
– Halfway through cutting, I berated myself for not reading the instructions so I could figure out how to use my flying geese ruler. Turns out there were no geese in this one so no harm, no fowl (ha, you see what I did there!!).
– This marks my 8th week of quilting. I learn new things every day but sometimes it takes a while for things to actually sink in. Cut accurately they say. Sew straight, precise seams I hear often. But how important is that really? I present – block 8:
– There were 3/4’s, 3/8’s and 7/8’s in this pattern. I don’t have a great ruler for these cuts and nothing to square to 3/8 sooooo…. I rounded up. It’s just a smidgen, right? I could match everything up later, right? Did you SEE block 8? I lost points simply because my pieces were too big. Newbies – following directions precisely matters. In this case, it won’t “quilt out”.
– I also discovered that I don’t sew straight even when completely sober. Some of my seams were less than a 1/4″. This results in even BIGGER pieces. I ended up have to unpick the white squares, line up the strip with the main block, cutting off the ends a ¼” past the ends of the main block and sewing everything back together again. Points? What points?
– In my search for fame, maybe I can name a pattern with extreme lost points after myself. It would be a hit with newbies. We can say we meant to do that. The Hudstar? The Jan’s Clip? Suggestions are welcome.
– I realized that the thread cutter on my machine leaves too short of a tail and the machine will become unthreaded when I start to sew. Additionally, I ascertained that I don’t realize I’m lifting up and even using the thread cutter when I do it. I also determined that I can sew piece after piece, taking out carefully placed pins as I go, without realizing my machine is unthreaded. I am ashamed at how long it took me to figure all of this out.
– If my machine is going to become unthreaded, why can’t it happen when I am sewing wrong sides together? How does THAT even happen? I am likewise ashamed that I didn’t notice this when it was occurring.
– As I’m keeping this quilt for myself, I will keep block 8 as is since it was an awakening, a learning experience and a humbling event.
– In the last post, I posted about my beautiful blue-green fabric. This is it:
– Here is the Kermit the frog and grape fabric:
– Two stupid people can successfully live together and function in society. I was going to hubby’s office and walked by the bathroom. “The toilet is running,” I say. He tells me to wiggle the handle. I do. After talking to him for a few minutes I inform him that the toilet is still running. As he goes in to fix it he is grumbling about how would I would get by if he wasn’t here. Turns out, after he washed his hands he didn’t turn off the water and that’s what I heard. Who is stupider – him for not turning off the water or me for not noticing when I went in to jiggle the handle. Maybe we need assisted living…
– Don’t forget that your comments are welcome!
I have a couple observations of your observations: (1) you must not feel shame for any of these foibles! We are all human and things happen!!! (2) I absolutely LOVE the idea of a purposefully “pointless” block! I think that might actually be harder to produce, if one is trying! ? (3) my machine is 20-25yo and I don’t have an auto thread cutter, but my manual one leaves a too freaking long tail! What a waste of thread! (4) so love your paisley blue-green fabric! and finally (5) I appreciate the smiles and insights you provide! I always look forward to your posts! Keep on quilting!!
Thanks made me smile.
Was at son’s house last weekend. Sitting in the living room and I told our 7 yo grand daughter that I could hear the kitchen sink water was running. She went in to check….nope, faucet is off. Came back out of kitchen and I tell her I can still hear it. She goes back into the kitchen and says, “no Grandma, it’s the fish tank”. Well all I can say is that my hearing is still good, for a grandma.
Tnx for making me feel better. I still have a long way to go till where you are. Love your observation for the day. It brings light to my life.
You and your hubby sound like me and mine. A laugh a minute around here too.
I just love reading your insights!! makes my day. You will have 3000 followers in no time. and thanks for the info about block 8, but block 9 is a KILLER, took me the whole day to cut it out…LOVE the blue green fabric!!!
Stayed tuned to see how badly I screw up block 9 ?????
Love your blog. Honestly, I’m doing this challenge because I hate points. You make me smile about it.
It’s like you’re me! I totally relate to everything (and I mean everything!) you write about. Love your blogs and will be an avid reader until one of can no longer enjoy. You have made my life a little brighter and I thank you for that.
Love you! You are so like me. Except I’m not a writer or as funny. Thanks for brightening my day.
Love you! You are so like me. Except I’m not a writer or as funny. Thanks for brightening my day.
Janet, Hamilton, Indiana
Thanks for brightening my day!
Love the paisley fabric and I can’t wait to see what you do with the harlequin.
You are so right on all points (lol). You make me smile and want to do more. I never cut 3/8, 5/8, 7/8. I raise the to 1/2, 3/4, 1 and then Square them while they r flat before u separate them. That works best for me and they fit nicely. Your blog is great and will be at 3000 before u know it.
You crack me up and make me smile! A welcomed addition to my day. I am far from being a newbie, but…we still have those days!
From you and the picture of your block, I learned….if you mistakenly lose one point, then purposely lose the other 3 in the exact amount and voooahhhlaaaa Perfect block!
Thank you for making my day. Usually when I go to my happy place ( sewing room in the basement) I’m content. But today was a different story. I was itching to make block 8 yesterday but was unable to as I had two of my grandchildren for 2 days and nights and the youngest who is 18 months is not allowed down there. So I went today after no sleep because the 2 girls slept with me. Not fun. I did get block 8 done and lost some points which I can’t understand since I followed the letter of the law. Going to be happy with it anyway. My mood finally got better after reading your blog and thinking yep that’s me and that’s what happened. So thank you!
Nice job JAN!
With the block AND the Blog! 😉
You shall become known far and wide as, “The Quilting Comedian.” Your water tale made me laugh out loud. As for sewing miles without thread — get used to it. It happens far more frequently than you care to know. Usually for me, it is when the bobbin has run out and I’m doing something harrowing like putting a sleeve in my husbands new aloha shirt.
Oh! See those funky gray silhouettes. Did you know you could actually change them to quilt squares? Yep. –> Dashboard –> settings –> discussion; scroll down to Avatar. Select “identicon,” then scroll to bottom and “save.”
Where are you talking about? I would love to spruce things up! Thanks!!!!
Love your humor! Your square looks good to me!
I just survived a very rough week. Reading your blog has made me howl with laughter, especially assisted living. I’m also very happy to be on your fun bunch team. Love the Kermit fabric; mine seems so tame now. Keep laughing!
Thank you again you made me smile on a frustrating day