Losing my religion with a double aster…

Observations of the day:

– How many Master’s degrees does it take to change a rotary cutter blade for the first time? Apparently 3 and a YouTube video. Don’t ask…

– Here are blocks 15 and 16 for Amy’s quilt:

This block is called “Cain and Abel” and I finished up to Poison’s “Nothin’ But a Good Time“.

– The next block is “Road to Lampass” and “Ain’t No Man” by the Avett Brothers was playing when this block was completed.

– Then I decided that I would try the “Double Aster” block. Here are Marsha Myrum’s beautiful blocks as posted on the NQC Quilt Block Challenge’s Face Book page. Looking at Marsha’s blocks, I knew I’d have to try it!

– As this is a pattern for a 12″ block (Marsha has kindly posted a 16″ version), I decided I’d make one, maybe two for my block exchanges.

– I first tried a purple/green colorway with a black background. I got everything cut and decided that my black fabric was being weird. I don’t know what’s going on with it bit it just doesn’t “feel” like my other fabric. It didn’t get crispy when I starched it, so I decided to put it aside until I can get additional black fabric. A trip to my LQS will be forthcoming later this afternoon – yay!

– So, I decided to try a blue colorway. Problem #1 – my iron decided to rebel by either spraying brown gunk on my white and light-colored fabric or by sticking to my fabric. Imagine my surprise as I put the iron down on my piece to press and when I lift it up – POOF – my square has disappeared. I tried to work around this by just pressing with a different area of my iron but eventually I decided that I’d have to break down and clean it. It never occurred to me that I had a fancy Black & Decker iron downstairs but more on that later.

– As I am wont to do when I have a problem, I turned to google. My query? “How to clean starch off iron”. I was too lazy to do the baking soda mix deal so I found this and decided to go the dryer sheet route. But I use Downy, not fabric softener sheets so I went to another go to when I have a problem – Mama. When we went bowling, she gave me a couple of sheets and when I got home I tried it. I was not impressed. I still had a bit of sticking and now brown flakes were attaching to my fabric. It was then I remembered the Black & Decker.

– I am perplexed as to where to go from here – problems with block or problems with new iron?

Let’s get the iron out of the way first.

– The Black & Decker iron is HEAVY! I thought I was going to pull out my shoulder the first time I lifted that thing. But it ironed like a dream, so I can deal with it until I get my other one cleaned. I was happily sewing along when all of a sudden, I hear this piercing beeping coming from behind me. My reaction:

It was my fancy smancy iron, whose instruction manual had long been lost, screeching at me with a red light flashing the message that something was wrong. Was it over heating? I don’t usually iron so what do irons do if they overheat? Explode? When I didn’t show up downstairs would hubby eventually come to check on me? Would he find a bloody, iron shrapnel impaled mess? I bravely confronted the scary iron and discovered, to my dismay, that it had an auto-off feature and was warning me to use it or lose the heat. Great! Now I have to sew with a timeline hovering over me.

– Now that block. Here is the first instruction: Start by cutting the Color 1 5-1/8″ x 10-1/4″ strip into two 5-1/8″ squares. Ummm, What 5-1/8″ x 10-1/4″ strip? Was a page missing? I thought, and remember I didn’t do math, why would I cut a strip and then cut squares when I could just cut the square in the first place. So that’s what I did. All of the directions called for these “strips” and it never occurred to me that there might be left over squares to use elsewhere.

– I began the assembly. Looked at the diagrams and went on to sew the colors incorrectly. Ripped, resewed and still found that I sewed one back together the same way it was before I ripped it. This happened on every step except final assembly. I also had to recut color 1 as the triangles were too small to attach to the intended unit and I had to measure the unit to get the correct size. I should have caught a clue at this point. Number 1 daughter (Nikki) called during all this but it was ok as she has a mouth like a sailor anyway.

– Final assembly. Directions say, “Now sew the Color 3 2-5/8″ square to the bottom right edge of one of the larger pieced units, starting at a point 1/4″ from the inner edge of the square and stitching to the outer edge…”. What 2-5/8″ square??? I had subcut all my squares into triangles. So, I cut the square and started the assembly. All was good until the final piece. Was this the infamous “Y-seam” that quilters are so scared of? At this point I was tired and frustrated and just wanted to be done so I didn’t google anything about the Y-seam and it certainly shows in my block.

– Ta-da here it is. I didn’t measure it, but I think it came out 10ish inches or so. I have no clue why it’s so tiny. I like my colors though! And what was playing when all this fun came to an end? “Losing my Religion” by R.E.M. – Appropriate I think.

Do yourself a favor – check out Marsha’s blocks from the links above.

– Took a trip to WalMart and upgraded my starch as well as picking up something to clean my iron:

I’ll let you know how they work out.

– I’m trying to figure out EQ8 and you’ll get a full update on the trials and tribulations of that soon. I want the final block in Amy’s quilt to be Block 9 in NQC’s Pleiades Quilt Block Challenge but I need it reduced to 15″ finished. Anyone wanna volunteer to do this for me, please feel free!

– If you like what you’re reading, remember to shout it from the hills and share, share, share!

11 thoughts on “Losing my religion with a double aster…”

  1. Love your blog! Thanks for the Double Aster link. I’m never without hot iron cleaner – and also descaler. Descaler cleans the inside of the iron to hopefully eliminate yucky spits from said iron.

  2. Shari Trujillo

    AND HERE i WANTED TO TRY THE DOUBLE ASTER…..well guess that won’t be happening right away!

  3. Have you tried to download the instructions for Your iron? Enter make and model on the internet

  4. Sharon Geiger

    Thanks for brightening up my day! I’m not laughing at you – I’m laughing with you!

  5. Love you blog. Makes me feel like I’m not alone on my quilting journeys. My next quilt is a Dr Who Phone booth for my grandsons graduation present. He picked out the fabric. I’ll start tomorrow with the first cut. May have to listen to The first cut is the deepest.

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