Observations of the day:
– I am devastated. Morpheus the dog passed early last Saturday morning. We took him to the vet at 3am and by 5 he was gone. The doc had taken an x-ray and his heart had fluid around it as well as a mass that was affecting his windpipe, so he was having trouble breathing. As we put him in a kennel to settle down so the doc could start him on meds, he turned around like he does when he’s going to sleep, laid down and died. So sudden and no warning signs except for sudden onset breathing problems. We were lucky to be there at the end and he died knowing he was loved. Being at home is hard – I wait for him everywhere he is supposed to be. As Zeus aka Puppylove will be 15 in May, I am terrified that something will happen to him as he is my special boy. Losing Morphy is so very hard. I picked up his ashes today. Maybe my tears will stop soon.

– We have bought a house for #1 daughter and the grandchildren to live in when they move here in June. It needs to be remodeled and that has taken up my time this week. These blocks are ones I did last week but didn’t include in the last post as I didn’t want it to get “blogged” down.
– These blocks are still for the blue colorway block exchange and are 12” finished.
– This one is called “Slanted Diamonds”. Follow the diagram for the HST’s and it’ll be an easy one. I was listening to “Wish You Were Here” by Fred Durst featuring John Rzeznik (not the one by Pink Floyd) when I finished up.
– Next up is “Whirligig”. It has a few puckers but looks ok. I was FaceTiming #1 daughter when this one was completed.
– Here is “Blue Chains”. I finally figured out that these “strips” she refers to are on page 3 and decided to go that way. Bad idea, at least for me. I’m not very good at cutting strips and everything came out wonky. Started over cutting pieces from the measurements on the first page (not from strips) and everything came out better. Ya know, I have a perfectly good AccuQuilt that I could use but I’ve been too lazy to get it out. Might rethink that. “Mack the Knife” by Bobby Darin was playing as I completed this one.
– Y’all are gonna LOVE this one. It’s called “Broken Sugar Bowl” I really like the look of this block and was feeling confident in my abilities (falsely, it turned out) and decided I’d try directional fabric. Ohmygoodness! What a mess! Two HST’s were fine, the other two weren’t. Try as I might, I couldn’t keep everything else straight and this block will either just sit there or be added to for the Ugly Blocks Rock Challenge cuz I will not burden some nice soul with this monstrosity in the blue block exchange! You ready to see it in all its glory? You might want to shield your eyes and look gradually.
Patsy Cline was lamenting “She’s Got You” when the torture was over.
– As I stated before, Hubby and I are working on #1 daughter’s house. As we work, we are jammin’ to music through a Bluetooth speaker. Evidently, he didn’t like a song on my playlist and tried to skip it, resulting in it going off the “shuffle” feature. Songs that we had already heard began playing. I told him that if he wanted to keep his hand, he might want to keep it off my iPod! Obviously having a non-lucid moment as he wasn’t scared, he turned OFF my music and tuned into an Apple Music channel that played music that I would imagine required acid to listen to back in the day. “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane played! Listen to this and see if you don’t need some sort of “help” to hear it!
– UPDATE: The above musical fiasco happened before we lost Morphy. Since then, hubby has been playing music that is mutually agreeable to both of us. Painting trim is awful and music makes it bearable. He is a sweetheart, taking care of me even in his grief.
– I haven’t seen my sewing room in over a week. We are leaving in a couple of days to gallivant around the country, so it’ll be a while before I quilt again. Are y’all interested in hearing about my adventures while I’m gone? If so, let me know in the comments and I’ll try to blog from the road. If not, I’ll see you when I get back!
Yes, travel comments please. I am so very sorry about Morpheus and know the pain and emptiness to feel. (Hugs) Safe travels!
I was so sad to read about the loss of your fur baby. They leave such big empty spots in our hearts — but remembering the love helps. I enjoy reading about your quilting and music adventures and would love to enjoy your road tales as well.
Totally can’t wait to hear about your adventures!!! SO very sorry about your beloved Pet. Mine is 11 now and I know she is on the downside of her life. SHe is healthy but I know things can change in the blink of an eye. My horse will probably outlive me because she is either to stubborn to go or they don’t want her back…lol I love her to pieces though and she is super healthy for all of her 21 years. have a great trip around the country. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures. PS If I named all my blocks after songs they would all be George Strait songs…just sayin’
I’m so sorry for your loss. All pet patents who’ve lived through this devastation know your grief and are praying for you and hubby. Yes, I’d love to hear about your travels. Be safe. And heal. Peggy
Love all your blogs. So sorry to hear about your loss we have been there it is is so sad to lose a family member
That is exactly how my Hunter (English Spring Spaniel) went. Came home and he was having trouble breathing, same xray result as yours, but I gently put him to sleep with my tears at the vets office. I am so sorry for your loss and would love to hear of your travels.
Adventures sound like a fun time. It will give me something to look forward to after a long day at work.
So sorry about Morphy. We lost our one cat December 18 and the second one (who seemed to grieve something awful) on February 7. It is so hard to lose fur babies! I still expect them sometimes.
You have been in my thoughts all week. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
Thank you for posting a blog entry, it relieved me to see your words again in print.
Painting trim does suck. I am currently doing just that, along with priming and repainting my entire house. This has been my existence since February. I am truly over it. ?
Prayers for safe travel as you galavant. I hope a change of scenery will help you on your journey of grief.
I am saving all your posts in my email, they are chock full of wonderful quips and quilt blocks. I view it as my Chicken Soup for the Quilter book. It helps me laugh on my bad days.
NO!! You can’t leave us. Yes, you must blog from your travels, where ever they take you. Hoping it is someplace wonderful, that I have not had the opportunity to visit.
I truly enjoy the uplifting feeling I get when I read your blogs. I am somehow magically transported into your life of music and quilting, and of course, now, remodeling #1 daughter’s house.
I should also state how terribly sorry I am to hear of your fur baby’s passing. I know how it hurts. We all hate to lose our fur babies. So sad for you.
Now play a wonderful piece of music to lift us, and all of your readers higher.
Thank you for taking the time to allow us into your world.
It’s always so hard when a beloved pet passes. I’m glad you were with him and that he didn’t linger in suffering. My Sheltie passed in a similar way and it has always been a comfort to me that she had a long happy life with very little suffering. I so enjoy your posts, and would love to hear of your travel adventures.
So sorry for your loss.
It would to hear about your adventures. Your writing makes my day lighter. We are going to start traveling in a couple of weeks as well until October. It will be fun here about your adventures. I am sorry for your loss.
So so sorry to hear of the passing of your pup! It’s less than 1 month since we took our 15 yr old pup to the vet and came home without him as he turned out to have cancer. Watching that video made me cry all over again!
I am really enjoying reading your blog and finding out what songs you listen to! I either have Netflix or music on when I sew too. I also enjoy seeing that someone experienced like you also struggles with blocks and cutting at times and that reminds me that I’m not alone. Keep up the good work!
I am so sorry for the loss of your fur baby. You will heal and your memories will be cherished. I do look forward to your blog. Blessings to you and your family.
Yes! Please travel blog! And I’m so sorry about Morpheus. It never gets easier with each pet.
So very sorry about Morpheus! So hard to loose a fur baby. Know my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Hugs dear lady